The first page of Lex the Lion by Dutch author David Scherwood.

My current children's book project, Cats in Cravats.

I did the cover for this ages ago, but in 2023 my first grandchild turned 2 and I finished it for her birthday so now I'm looking for a publisher. Below is a double page spread of interior art.

One of sixty illustrations I did for the Hinkler Books edition of Treasure Island.

Another book in the Hinkler Classics Illustrated series - Call of the Wild

The picture below is concept art for an animated feature, Rabbit Boy, I think it would make a cool book illo though.

Ghost Gum Press published my children's book series Wild and Crazy Dinosaurs. This is a double page spread from Spike Gets Stuck. The series was re-released in a kindle edition last year.

This one is from a children's book I wrote for my kids. I like working in black and white.

Twins by Nava Levy. A very fun illustration project, released as an ebook by Possible Press, last year.