I started reading comics when I first began to read and I loved them from day one. Now we call them graphic novels. But whatevere we call them, it's all about telling a story with words and pictures in an intimate fashion. What I love about comics is that, with a few sheets of paper and something to make black marks on it, you can bring a story to life which would require millions of dollars if it was a film.

These first two illustrations are a work in progress - a strip featuring the Scarred Man from my series the Twilight Age. Greg Gates is inking the feature.
Below are a couple of pages from another work in progress. A labour of love called The Isle of Inbetween. Steamships, dinosaurs, pirates and a everything else I like to draw in a psuedo 1930's in a parralel dimension.

The motley crew down in the steam room.

An exercise in black and white. I had fun designing the building in photoshop.
Architecture is another thing I enjoy drawing.

And vampires, the villains we love to hate.

This story was intended for a cartoon show so the art is more cartoony. It's a fun way of approaching a project.

A couple of pages from my recent comic book series The Twilight Age, published by Black House Comics.

This is a project currently in development with frequent collaborator, writer Chris Sequerira, The Catamorph, the first episode was published in Terra Magazine in 2013.

This project was a real pleasure, working on volume 2 of Jason Franks' Sixsmiths, an original and funny concept from this brilliant writer. I enjoyed using a cartoonier style on this one: a couple of styles, in fact, because this chapter combines a story within a story which the character, Ralph, is reading: Dr Darklight. I had great fun paying homage to Jack Kirby with the cover I mocked up of the comic's title character.