I've had a few dream gigs like writing and drawing my own graphic novel, The Time of the Wolves for Black House Comics and illustrating favourite classics like The Call of the Wild and Treasure Island for Hinkler Books. Getting to write a story for the anthology Sherlock Holmes the Australian Casebook and illustrate it, plus another bunch of stories by top Australian talent. was another one of those gigs. Holmes is such an iconic wonderful character, and it was a tremendously exciting brief to bring life to some of his adventures in this neck of the woods.

I've been lucky enough to be involved in a few Sherlock Holmes projects. The picture on the right is for my story 'Curtain Call' which appeared in the anthology Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Was Not published by IFGW publishing in 2019. The anthology, edited by my frequent collaborator, Chris Sequeira, is based on a brilliant idea of his. The anthology features a collection of stories in which Holmes companion is not Doctor John Watson but another doctor from history or literature.

And this one below is for a new collection of Sherlock Holmes stories that are being published in the USA in June of 2021 by Ballinger Books. I wrote a story for this one too as well as being asked to do the cover. I really enjoyed doing this one.