This is some concept art for a proposed revival of the classic fantasy character Thongor of Lemuria.

I love to draw organic stuff - jungles, animals, anything fluid. Pre-historic subjects are a favourite. The picture below is from a portfolio of Marvel Comics characters I did a few years back

Below is the wrap-around cover for the trade collection of my graphic novel The Time of the Wolves published by Black House Comics.

I have a taste for the macabre and the humorous which are often combined.
This image came from a concept by my good buddy, writer Chris Sequeira. Moonstone comics published this in Kolchak Nosferatu in 2023, which Mr Sequeira put together.

This is the wrap around cover for issue 2 of the series The Twilight Age.

This illustration is from a dream sequence in my graphic novel The Time of the Wolves.
This is the original digital painting which I zoomed in on for the various panels.

This is a detail of the previous image.